2010-11-21 01:53 - General
So on to my first paint job. I tried a base white coat of primer, everything seemed to suggest that it makes a big deal. Mine seemed really awful. The paint did not apply in an even coat, over the plastic. But I went for it anyway, and the first coat of the green skin didn't seem to turn out well at all, either. After some perseverance I finished though, and I'm rather happy with the end result, visually. Ultimately the very-not-even paint job almost works as a strength, providing some texture. With zero effort!
That's the good. The bad: as mentioned, I've got 68 figures, and I think I spent around two hours painting this one. That doesn't bode well for ever finishing; I'm probably not about to spend over 130 hours painting. We'll see if I can speed things up.