2010-09-04 22:05 - General

My clock project is moving forward. Now I've got a simple "binary blinker" going. The "off" lights do in fact light very dim, so that they can be identified as the off spots, and the "on" lights fade in more brightly, then out. The "off" lights being visible also really helps identify the zeros, as the points where they all stay on dim. It blinks hours/tens of minutes/ones of minutes, then a brief delay while all lights are really off, in an endless loop. It means reading the clock in binary, but there's only four binary digits, and it only takes around 3 seconds per cycle.
MyopiClock: First Go
So in that video, it's blinking "5 3 4 .. 5 3 4 .." and so on. The time, of course, is "5:34".

Next: I need a better way to set the time (just typing it into the code now, which is a very short term solution), and to investigate other options for the display. I'm thinking rather than four binary digits for each position, I could count off the same positions, each with one light. Not sure if that will be easier to read, though.


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