Come inside!
2004-07-12 23:34 - General
This is my new web site. It is beginning with a blog. It's purpose is multifaceted. On the surface, it's a free medium to express myself in. It can be therapeutic to record your thoughts, to take the time to organize them into written words. A more conventional approach is a diary, but in this wacky wired world, it's a blog!
Under the surface, this is also a playground for me. I'm finally learing to write good XHTML rather than sloppy old HTML 4. I'm also working on refining my CSS and layout skills, along with general accessibility and "sensibility" of markup, separating presentation and content, improving accessibility, and so forth.
Of course, I'm doing this because I'm a computer programmer, a web application developer by occupation, and a hobbyist by passion. I am going to enjoy refining my skills, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find something that's worthwhile to read!