I'm a Googler Now!
2009-07-24 16:36 - General

I had to hold off on this news, because some people I work with read this blog. At this point, I think the secret has leaked to almost everyone in the office, though, so I might as well blab. I've got a new job, and as of August 17th, I'll be working for Google!
It was quite a process. I sent an application through the normal channels, and heard back via email on May 18th, which led to a phone screen with the HR representative on the 21st, which got me a first round phone interview on the 27th. Except the arrangements didn't quite connect, and the interviewer wasn't actually available that day. It was rescheduled for June 1st, and went well. The in-person interview was scheduled after that, for June 8th. It was quite involved — I showed up just before 10AM and left barely before 4PM. Through all that, not quite all they wanted to cover did get covered, so I ended up going in for another 90 minutes the following week. By the 19th of June, I was hearing positive but cryptic things.
It was July 10th, after various missed Hiring Committee meetings and people being out on vacations, that I got a voicemail with the magic phrase, "your offer has been approved." That was a Friday, and I didn't manage to connect a call back before the end of the day. Drat! So the following Monday morning, the 13th, I got on the phone and got verbal confirmation. Google was making me an offer of employment. I was responsible and thought about it for a day, but to no great surprise, after that day I called back and told them I accepted!
I've been bubbling to post about this, but holding it back while it was a secret for quite a while, as you can see. It feels great to finally let loose. I'm quite excited over the opportunity to work for Google. Stay tuned, you'll surely hear more about it once I'm there!
2009-07-30 15:44 - erikvold
Good news man!
What are you going to be doing there though?