Jury Duty
2006-10-27 21:14 - General
So, a few weeks back, I got a jury summons. It was for today. There's nothing exciting to report. I got there pretty much right on time, and got to wait around at least a half hour before they got started. They plodded slowly through some simple instructions, followed by more waiting. Eventually, my name was called.
I was sent to a smaller room where they called roll, everyone was there so we followed some lawyers up to a court room. There were between 20 and 30 of us, about a dozen were selected randomly by the lawyers, myself not included. They talked through the bare details of the case (personal injury), left to talk in private, and came back with a selection of six jurors of the dozen that were called, and sent us back to the main room to wait.
Wait I did, for hours. Lunch break in there somewhere, then I was dismissed about a quarter to four. That's it!