My New Hobby: Weekly Baking
2008-06-22 18:09 - General
Around a month ago, I started up what has become a new hobby. I had a bag of chocolate chips that had been sitting around for quite some time, so I decided to use them up, by making a batch of cookies. I took them in to work to share, and people seemed to enjoy.
Besides the one weekend that was 95° or more, during which I decided not to go out to get supplies, nor to turn on the oven, I've kept up with it each week. It's a bit fun, and like I said people seem to enjoy it.
Any co-workers who happen to read my blog (there are at least a few) might get some advanced notice that I'm trying something ambitious this week: cheesecake cookies. Really, it's just a bunch of tiny cheesecakes. I'm not as pleased with the result as I have been the last few times, but they're still pretty tasty.